I will set up your play in the standard stage play manuscript format.
I will provide you with an analysis of your play’s strengths and weaknesses.
I will work through your play line by line and make suggestions for cuts and additions using “Track Changes.” If you question my suggestions, I will respond in detail about why I made them, and will work with you until we get your play right, playwright. If you accept my changes I will provide you with a pristine copy of your play, both as a Word document and as a PDF.
I will not ask for a share of your copyright.
I will not guarantee you the Pulitzer Prize.
Once we have finished work on your play, I will make suggestions as to where you might place it for production and/or publication.
If you just want feedback on your play, send it to me and I will read it and provide you with a general assessment and make suggestions as to where you might place it for production and/or publication.
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